Parents sometimes experience a feeling of anxiety resulting from the much anticipated circumcision of their newborns. In old school this form of anxietywas mitigated by getting the parents involved in some part of the preperations such as having them purchase specific guaze pads, ointments and red wine etc. However, nowadays in a “you-ring, we-bring” society, there is no interest in being involved during any phase of the actual circumcision.

Tomophobia is described as a person who has a fear of medical procedures and can be classified under a broader category of “blood, injection, and injury phobias”. This is one of five subtypes that classify specific phobias. A specific phobia is defined as a “marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable, cued by the presence (or anticipation) of a specific object or situation.  Often these fears begin to appear in childhood, around the age of five to nine. It is normal to become squeamish at the sight of blood, injury, or gross deformity, but many overcome these fears by the time they reach adulthood. Those who do not are more likely to avoid medical and dental procedures necessary to maintain health, jobs, etc.

Following you will find helpful information to help you understand and possibly turn the once in alifetime event into a joyous one as it was intended to be. As quoted in Shabbos 130:1 “Tanya, Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: Every mitzvah that they gladly accepted, such as a circumcision, – still do it with joy …